General Updates

Sunday, September 15th, 2024 | By Chee

It's been a while since I started working on this site so intensely, and only recently has it started to look how I wanted it to when I was still conceptualizing this website.

I'm really proud of what I got here so far. If anyone is looking to make their own site, Neocities or not, I highly reccommend consulting Reddit and W3Schools. They have been my only two sources and they've both helped me figure a lot of stuff out that I other wise would'ny have been able to on my own.

Anyway, let's get to brass tacks.

Since this website is still under construction, updates are still on the way. Y'know, so this is up to the Penguins par-of-quality. What I can immediately tell you is there will be a blog archive, where you can read my archived blog posts (shocker). I'm still working on it, but maybe if I can get it polished enough I can figure out a search-by-date system, and maybe even have other members of the Penguins team make their own posts. We have yet to see.

I haven't begun work on the comics widget just yet, unfortunately. But while we're on the subject of comics, I got a new script in the works right now. It'll be the first Penguins comic to introduce one of it's many villains, as well as follow a new plot-dynamic between the Penguins and their adventure. A more serious storyline, I suppose. Well, as serious as Penguins can possibly be.

If you're unaware with what I'm talking about (and if you are then how did you get here?), check out my Newgrounds. There's plenty there to see. Or maybe there isn't. Depends on your definition of "plenty".

Oh, other news is that some new shorts are finally going to be produced and published before the year is through. I got a halloween special in the works currently, with the hope of a christmas special. I will be linking those shorts here once they've been published.